Money Plane

Photo: hypecrib
Speaking of money, Pablo has so much of it that nobody knows exactly how much he had. And that includes Pablo himself. I’m sure that you’ve heard the stories where he literally had to have his men start to bury cash because he couldn’t spend it or even store it fast enough. To give you an idea of the amount of money that was flowing through the cartel, Pablo apparently bought a Learjet for one reason and one reason only: to fly his cash around.
Creative Smuggler

Photo: viralitytoday
Escobar and his men were moving so much cocaine that they had to start coming up with creative ways to get the pure “Columbian Marching Powder” into the United States. Some of which is still unknown to this day. However one of the more creative ways that we do know about, is packing the tires of planes with product. The pilots were aware of the contraband in the tires but did nothing because the safe delivery meant a payday of as much $500,000 for a single trip.