All the Devilish Dirt on the Cast and Show 7th Heaven

16. Biel Took Beverley Mitchell’s Role

Biel & Mitchell |

When Beverley Mitchell auditioned for 7th Heaven, it was for the role of Mary Camden. After hearing her read, producers didn’t feel she was right for the role. Of course, they ended up giving it to Biel; ironic since Biel came to resent the role later, but let’s not get too far ahead. For Mitchell, they liked her as a part of the cast so they had her read for Lucy Camden, Mary’s younger sister. She nailed it. Producers quickly offered Mitchell the role, officially ending her quest to find work for several years. Mitchell’s character appeared in 242 episodes.

15. Biel Discontentment

On set, there was a ton of tension around Biel and her role. It turns out she was unhappy with her character and how they developed Mary Camden over time. By the 4th season, she was so fed up she started acting out. In a ludicrous effort to get herself out of her contract, Biel agreed to a nude photo shoot in Gear Magazine. She later expressed regret over the choice, which didn’t work anyway.

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