23. Montgomery a real witch?
When producers selected her for the lead character, it was a combination of Montgomery’s talents and good looks. That was in the 60s, but decades later she was still talented and youthful. Was it Hollywood doctoring, good nutrition, and exercise, or did Montgomery cast a spell on us all? Colon cancer took her life in 1995, but she didn’t age until the very end.
22. Another Darrin

Dick Crenna | radiospirits.info
When they first considered actors for the show, they wanted Dick Sargent to play the role of Darrin Stephens, Samantha’s husband. Sargent was already signed on for another gig, so he had to pass. Producers then approached another actor, Dick Crenna to play the role. He was just off the set of another show, The Real McCoys, and looking forward to a break. They eventually got their claws on Dick York to play the role.
21. Darrin Syndrome
Today in Hollywood, the act of switching out an actor for any role they call “The Darrin Syndrome.” It happens all the time, due to deaths, contract issues, and bad timing to name a few. Bewitched forged the trail when producers swapped out the actor playing Darrin after several seasons. Many never noticed that Dick York was the first Darrin, then it was Dick Sargent once he became available. How convenient and noteworthy that all the candidates were Dicks.