Man of Many Names

Photo: hortolandia
If you look up Pablo Escobar in say Wikipedia, they will have a long list of nicknames and aliases that Pablo went by. Some of the more popular are “El Patron” and “Don Pablo” which obviously have ties to being the bossman in one way or another. You might recognize “Don” from the Godfather movies where the Don was the head of the family. That same loyalty and respect was commanded by Pablo and over time the name was a perfect fit.

Photo: tvi24
This one caught me by surprise, especially since I felt as If I was fairly knowledgeable about Escobar. But apparently, Pablo wasn’t as hard headed as most people thought he was. He was even willing to look into self-help books. When authorities seized the possessions in Escobar’s home, they found a Spanish translation of the classic self-help book, “The Power of Positive Thinking.”