20. Katy Perry

Photo: life&style
Sometimes a bad breakup can make a person do bold and crazy things, and that’s exactly what the breathtaking beauty we know as Katy Perry did. It was the highly publicized breakup with fellow musician, John Mayer, that led Katy to join up with the hookup, I mean dating, app. She told reporters that she was planning on using Tinder to find herself a new boyfriend, but she also claimed she doesn’t have a lot of free time on her hands to devote to swiping sessions. You have to admit, it would be pretty awesome to come across her profile, and even better if you saw a match when you immediately swiped right, which you know you would whether you’re a fan of her music or not. I guess that’s what happens when you’re smoking hot.
19. Ronda Rousey

Photo: fightstate
I can’t quite put my finger on exactly what it is, but there’s something about the former MMA women’s champion that I find so incredibly attractive. I mean there’s really no argument to the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous, incredibly talented, and fit as a fiddle. Maybe it’s the fact that you know she could kick your ass if it really came down to it. Bottom line – she is sexy, regardless of whether she got beat down by Holly Holm. It turns out, she tried to use a bit of trickery with her Tinder game by creating an alter ego by the name of Brynn Campbell in order to mask some of her fame. Although, anyone in their right mind would be able to immediately recognize her in the pictures.