Fun Facts About the Blast From the Past Known as Family Affair

18. Keeping it Real

Photo: pinterest

The writers really tried to keep things more realistic than far-fetched. For example, Uncle Bill, played by Brian Keith, was obviously a wealthy man based on the beautiful home he had. He was a successful engineer and to make sure he spoke the proper lingo, creators of the show hired the President of the National Society of Professional Engineers to consult on the project.

17. Four Eyes

The most knowledgeable fans of the show will know this one, but if you look at the pilot episode there was a small-but-significant change to Mrs. Beasley. Buffy’s doll was famously known for her eyeglasses, but in that original episode wasn’t wearing her spectacles. It was a last minute costume change by the producers before the second episode that added the glasses, and they remained until the end.

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