Everything You Need To Know About The Great Captain Kangaroo

17. Simon and the Land of Chalk Drawings

Imagine how great it would be as a child to have a magical chalk board where the drawings you created would come to life and you could enter their world. That’s the exact premise of another one of the popular cartoon segments featured on Captain Kangaroo called Simon and the Land of Chalk Drawings. Keeshan narrated the segments when they were featured on his show, but when it originally aired in Great Britain there was another narrator at the helm.

16. Oral Hygiene is Important

Oral hygiene is important, there’s no doubt about that. But trying to teach that to kids is easier said than done. Which is why the Captain featured the Australian cartoon called The Toothbrush Family, which followed the adventures of a family of oral hygiene products that would come to life under the light of the moon. Even though they never left the bathroom, the characters worked their way into children’s minds and hopefully those ideals stayed with them forever.

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