8. Michael Strahan – New York Giants

Photo: worldlifestyle

Photo: worldlifestyle
If you’ve only seen the name Michael Strahan when he was co-starring alongside the beautiful Kelly Ripa on Live with Kelly and Michael you’d never know that he was once a ferocious defensive end for the New York Giants. Strahan was a beast when it came to tracking down unsuspecting quarterbacks and running backs in the backfield during his 15-year career. After retiring his success continues as he’s branched into many aspects of television including hosting the game show, $100,000 Pyramid. That success has allowed Strahan to enjoy many different properties all over the country. One of which is this 9,200 square foot home in California. With a huge pool and a yard that looks like it should be on the cover of Home and Garden this has got to be one of his favorites.
7. Elvis Dumervil – Baltimore Ravens

Photo: worldlifestyle

Photo: worldlifestyle
With a name like Elvis Dumervil you probably would’ve been picked on in school. But it’s probably safe to say that Elvis Dumervil, the outside linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens, wasn’t picked on at all. He was originally drafted by the Denver Broncos in 2006 and he played for them until 2012 when the Ravens picked him up. When it comes to enjoying his down time, he likes to relax in this beautiful Florida home and we have to admit we really like the style of this one. At just under 8,000 square feet this rustic looking mansion has all sorts of amenities like a game room, wet bar, and of course a home theater system. But it’s the exterior that almost gives the impression of being a home up in the mountains somewhere that really caught our attention.