25 Amish Facts They Don’t Want You to Know

Premarital Sleeping

Before a couple ties the knot, the Amish encourage them to share a night together. Yep, they condone sleeping together before marriage; actual sleeping, not the euphemistic phrase implying sex. To make sure everyone is clear on the intentions, they place a board between them for the night. All jokes about morning wood aside, the goal is for them to spend time together.

No Google

The belief that Amish share about technology is centered on the idea that they should keep the earth as the creator made it. They call this core concept, “Gelassenheit.” Exercising this law, they do not use electricity, phones, the internet or cellular technology.

Ringless Weddings

For those who prefer a simple ceremony, it doesn’t get much more simple than the Amish. Wedding decorations like flowers they consider extravagant. So are wedding bands, which constitute vanity. I guess that means the bachelor party in Vegas is out too.

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